• Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Blah blah Democrats always bad Republicans always mumble mumble but the main thing is be sure not to vote this election because democrats bad

    Burning Man called. They want their gigantic strawman back.

    If you’re not able to address what I AM saying, please don’t deflect to what you IMAGINE I might be saying based on your prejudice. It’s a waste of everyone’s time, I’ve heard it literally hundreds if times before and it wasn’t even clever or constructive the first time.

    We’re on to your voter suppression trolling attempts

    Nope. Saying that they need to do better and the votes will follow isn’t voter suppression. It’s legitimate dissent and would be good advice if they listened.

    Wish the admins had the balls to ban you people.

    More “every critic is secretly a Republican operative” shitlib deflection from the real inadequacies of the people you reflexively defend.

    Banning me for having dissenting opinions would be some authoritarianism bullshit and an example of something you would (correctly) excoriate the far right echo chamber or tankies for.

      • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Maybe the fact that you’re accusing me of all sorts of untrue things, calling me “you people” like I’m part of some amorphous mass rather than a person, and asking for me to be banned for having a different perspective than yours might be it?

        Nah, it was removed for “calling me out” 🙄