I ran across that magazine recently and every post is transphobic af. Does that fit within’s code of conduct?
I ran across that magazine recently and every post is transphobic af. Does that fit within’s code of conduct?
<citation required>. You can’t just make shit up.This is only exists in your echo chambers.
Wait, do you actually disagree with that? I thought that was common knowledge. If you don’t mind my asking, which age-group are you in? (If you decline to state for anonymity, I understand. I just find this baffling. It’s indisputably true in my personal, anecdotal, life experience.)
So you made it up? You can’t state things as fact based on your personal observations from your echo chamber.
I could have guessed that. Your perspective seems very insular.
I could probably go out and search for a million random people who’ve experienced it too (like everyone older than 30), and some articles about it. But I said what I know to be true based not on having read it anywhere, but rather on what I’ve personally experienced over quite a few decades of life in America.
Right, no sources, just your personal experience. The hallmark of the “American conservative”. Facts be damned.
What are you, a librarian? Do you not go out into the world and experience anything in your life? Most of what we learn about the world does not come from citeable sources, but from actual real-world experience.