Couldn’t find a speedcubing community, so created one. Welcome anyone with any interest in twisty puzzles or speedcubing.

Any ideas for what this community should be are welcome!

Come here and introduce yourself! When did you start cubing? What’s your favorite cubing-related resources? What’s your favorite twisty puzzle?

  • @[email protected]
    2 days ago

    Hello cubers of the world!

    Exited to join you :) I’d like to talk about this passion, learn more and share about it.
    I consider myself as a slow cuber :) I turn slowly and learn slowly, but it’s fine. I enjoy every solve!
    I only do 3x3 with CFOP method 4-look LL (learning full PLL…). I began to take an interest in Roux… which sounds incredible.
    Maybe I’ll start 4x4 again, but with the Yau method.

    See you soon.
    (sorry for my english)

    • Narusite
      118 hours ago

      I began to take an interest in Roux… which sounds incredible.

      Nice! (it is incredible 😉)

      I think that cubing is such a great hobby: with 3x3x3 you have several methods to discover (cfop, roux, zz, petrus, heise…), several events (classic, one hand, (multi)blind, fmc). You can find something that suit you: good at learning algs? you can try zz. you suck at tps? roux can be pretty fast. You’re in for the “mathematical” challenge ? petrus/heise or fmc it is.

      Then you start 4x4x4, 2x2x2, 7x7x7 to make some fun patterns, 3x3x3 shape-mods, skewb, square-one, non-wca. It’s a bottomless pit, such an interesting bottomless pit…

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I too came from the cubers subreddit. It’s nice to have a place to ask people “what’s the best 4x4” or “how do I get over this F2L problem I’m having”. Thanks for starting the community!

  • Narusite
    41 year ago

    Hey there.

    ~40yo, twisty puzzles lover, I use Roux as my main method. I’ve learned to solve the cube back in 2000. I’m still not very fast (sub-25 ao500).

    If you come from Reddit, you may know me from the DDT doing reconstructions on the daily scramble.

    I’ve got about 30 differents “cubes”, including 2×3×4, rex, bermuda (jupiter), puppet v2, crazy octahedron (mars), curvy copter, axis timewheel…

    I’d love to see a discussion thread on lemmy too (not daily obviously).

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I came here from the cubers subreddit. I wonder if we could carry over all that made that subreddit great? The wiki, the weekly comps etc.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      11 year ago

      Wiki is definitely something we should build moving forward. Not sure if we want to just copy paste from there though

      As for the weekly comps, I think it’s run by specific redditors?

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I think that it should be a place for all people, cubers and noncubers, to share their thoughts, memes, and ask for help in any thing cubing related.

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