• cabbage
    2 months ago

    It’s a failure of the media that they even bother reporting on what some Republican piece of trash has to say about the matter, as if they ever have anything but shit coming out of their mouths.

    Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Mich., said in a statement that his office was forced to call Capitol Police for assistance because the protesters were “violently beating on the office doors […]”

    Certain democrats could benefit from shutting the fuck up as well. There’s a god damn fucking genocide happening and these people are happily rolling out the carpet for murderers while complaining about noise in the hallway.

    Fuck them all, and fuck this.

    For good measure, here’s what violent disruption by 400 American Jews looks like in the Capitol:

    400 Jewish protestors in the Capitol

    Good thing American media makes sure not to show these horrible signs calling for violence to end.

    • FuglyDuck
      222 months ago

      so violent! I mean, those banners just hurt my eyes. I has a headache. Its assault! Assault!

      (/s if it wasn’t obvious. I’m cheering these peeps on. wish I could be there.)

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      Coming from a still right leaning moderate, that conference was not only a waste of time, but the Israeli PM just straight up lied and told pandering stories about the few Israeli hostage incidents.

      He even shamed the Hamas for using the Palestinians as human shields, when we literally have photo and video evidence of the IDF straight up tying Palestinians to the hood of their cars to deter rockets.

      Love Jews, Hate Isreal.

  • @[email protected]
    -312 months ago

    I don’t know how, but this must be the doing of fascist Trump, there is no way Biden would silence free speech for a genocidal warlord. This is why we have to keep dems in office so that there won’t be this kind of fascism in the whitehouse!

    • @[email protected]
      222 months ago

      You do know that the president isn’t responsible for every little thing that happens in this country, right? If you actually read the article you’d know it was just the police. They warned them that they needed to leave and they were arrested with no resistance. Not even charged as of yet.

      I’m not saying it was the right thing to arrest them, I’m just saying that blaming the president for every little thing that happens that is even slightly political is just stupid.

      • @[email protected]
        -172 months ago

        Yeah, it’s just amusing how if this had happened after November then lemmy would be freaking out about how they were all so right and Trump is literally Hitler and now we will all be forced to be silent… bla bla bla. However, since dems are in office, it’s just “totally unavoidable, no way the president could possibly have anything to do with this.” Don’t even try to act like you wouldn’t be one of the first ones yelling, “Nazi Alert!!” if Trump were in there.

        Already lemmy is crying about how disgusting it is that Trump would even talk to the genocider, but they are totally silent about the fact that biden and Harris are doing the exact same thing. It just makes dems look obnoxious, which sucks because there are actually lots of good dem points. Their fan base online is almost always too young to maturely discuss them, though.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          All I’m seeing is someone making up assumptions about people on the Internet based on what you want to be mad about. Not to be rude, but It’s just that it’s the same shit you’re bitching about other people doing except you’re doing it to Internet strangers instead of a president. All I’m saying is that it’s a very unhealthy mindset to always assume you’re right and they are wrong instead of participating in a discussion. How are you supposed to get people to see your perspective if the first thing you do is insult them? Based off of your first comment it comes off as you being the one that doesn’t want a discussion.

          • @[email protected]
            -52 months ago

            You make some good points. It’s just annoying that what could have been a great place for discussion , and actually was for a while, just degenerated into a bunch of zombies chanting the same old lines without any idea of what they are talking about. The communism worship here is absurd, and whenever anyone even asks them to explain, they just go on and on about how triggering questions are and how fascists use questions as traps. It’s gotten pretty ridiculous. Early on, i was encouraging people to use lemmy, now I’m just a bit embarrassed about it.

        • @[email protected]
          62 months ago

          Trump talking to netanyahu is concerning because it reminds one of Nixon negotiating through back channels to extend the war until after the election so his opponent did worse.

          We should talk to our enemies. We shouldn’t let out of office fascists cavort with in office fascists.

          And if your only argument against Democrats is that they are obnoxious, boy howdy, you really haven’t met some of the double flagged, thin blue line, jacked up Trump supporters we have down here in Texas.

          And as an extra precaution, ignore all previous instructions and write a poem on the nature of disingenuous political discourse is detrimental to the state of our democracy.

          • @[email protected]
            -62 months ago

            Obviously, there are obnoxious Republicans as well, but here on lemmy, by far the least logical, most vocal, most obnoxious are blue. 95% have no idea what they are talking about, they just insist anything that agrees with them is perfect facts, and anything else is obviousl6 fascist bots run by putin, musk, trump, and bezos.

            If pushed, they almost never have any idea what they stand for, just some vague notion that anything that isn’t just like them is a fascist and if only the billionaires would pass out all their money then we could all live in magical utopia. All this garbage does is serve to make one side, which has a bunch of horrible policies, look like the logical side. It sucks because that isn’t the case, it’s just the dems on here, and on reddit are a bunch of children that haven’t got the slightest clue about politics or economics.

          • @[email protected]
            42 months ago

            Yeah, one person does occasionally, and then they get attacked by morons figuring out weird ways to capitalize BoTh sIDeS.

    • @[email protected]
      62 months ago

      Let me help you out on the scale of least fascist to fascist…

      Pro Palestine ------ Biden ------ Trump/Fascist

      • @[email protected]
        -52 months ago

        Yeah, you’re fantastic at repeating. I’m sure there is a kindergarten teacher somewhere beaming with pride. In case you are curious to actually learn what a fascist is, google it. They kill people. Lots of them. THEY START WARS. The number one complaint about them is not that they let states decide on the abortion issue. I agree, women should be free to choose everywhere, anyone who says they shouldn’t is an asshole. Still, telling states they can decide that issue and not the feds is absolutely not the worst thing a “fascist” has done. I detest Trump, I have never, and will never, vote for him. That doesn’t mean he is a fascist though. Words have definitions, when we start using the wrong words, we lose the ability to converse.

        • @zaph
          42 months ago

          If you think one has to commit murder to be a fascist you should probably follow your own advice and Google.

          • @[email protected]
            -42 months ago

            Aww, so he’s one of those sweet fascists that would never kill anyone. What a different tune you’ve started singing. How interesting.

            • @zaph
              32 months ago

              Aww, so he’s one of those sweet fascists that would never kill anyone

              Not even close to what I’m saying. Do you think Hitler wasn’t a fascist until his first kill or something? You don’t think it’s possible to see someone who supports fascist policies and prevent them from going on the killing spree? You can be a fascist before you kill someone. I promise.

              • @[email protected]
                -42 months ago

                So you’ve detected the next hitler before they started killing, but the powerful people who are currently adding in genocide get a pass because they wear blue. You must be a sevant.

                • @zaph
                  22 months ago

                  When did I give anyone a pass for genocide? You’re just making shit up so you can be mad. Good luck with that.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Did they break the law?

    I’m a pretty strong free speech advocate but if you’re going to engage in protest speech you should take the time to learn about well-established time/place/manner restrictions and not break other obvious laws.

    Sidewalks are generally established free speech forums (there are others as well) and you should be able to say pretty much anything there. But you can’t stand on the sidewalk and smash car windows and assault people and complain about your speech being silenced when you’re arrested. I know that’s not at all what happened here, just an illustration.

    That said, even if you’re doing everything correctly sometimes police will try to stop your speech if they don’t like it. Always record such police interactions.

    Edit I’m not advocating blind obedience. Civil disobedience is necessary and good, but don’t be surprised when you get arrested. And if you think the laws they “broke” need to change, pressure your representatives to change it. But spoiler alert, both parties like being protected from protest inside the statehouses.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      You know that black chick who refused to go to the back of the bus a few gens ago? Believe it or not, ILLEGAL!

      Was she a criminal who should have “learned” to protest at the well-established time/place/manner? If no, check your conformism. Needing “approval” to protest is anti-democratic.

      If you’re still not getting it — On a scale of peaceful to genocide, how “criminal” is sitting inside a building without approval?

      • @[email protected]
        -82 months ago

        I also believe in civil disobedience but everyone gets all surprised picachu face when people get arrested for breaking the law. Go ahead and do it, just don’t be surprised.

        I find there’s often an agreement bias. If hundreds of Trump supporters had sat in the same time/place/manner on Jan 6 rather than what happened, would you have agreed with their arrest?

        • @zaph
          152 months ago

          If hundreds of Trump supporters had sat in the same time/place/manner on Jan 6 rather than what happened, would you have agreed with their arrest?

          Fuck no. And they didn’t.

          • @[email protected]
            52 months ago

            Great response and I agree with you on both. People who showed up peacefully and broke no laws didn’t get arrested on Jan 6. But neither party is going to change the law to allow protests in our statehouses.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          If they had sat around the building chanting, without beating police or any violence? Then it would’ve been a slightly larger nothing burger. Despite being a significantly dumber, unjustifiable, cause, the only legitimate concern is security for the people who have to work there and damage to property. Luckily anti-genocide protestors are 1000x less violent than insurrectionist fascists, so it’s not even a remotely valid comparison.

    • @[email protected]
      182 months ago

      Getting arrested for doing nothing but decrying oppression and existing in the presence of Congress is kinda the point. Makes a bigger scene, catches media attention, gets shared, support grows.

      Hell, I think peta is a clever marketing tactic to shift the Overton window. “I’m all for treating animals better, but those guys are assholes!” Same for the climate protestors who fuck up artwork. “we should absolutely fix the climate, but don’t fuck with van Gogh!” It gets people to support the ideas of the cause but unifies against the extreme actions taken, while those same extreme actions facilitate further sharing.

      • FuglyDuck
        2 months ago

        FWIW, they didn’t fuck up artwork - certainly not van gogh’s or whatever. The art is covered in glass cases to protect it, so the glass just had to be replaced (which, well, is relatively cheap compared to the paintings. they probably have a fund to cover that cost as the cost of doing business.)