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    7 months ago

    Religion is thriving in the USA in a way that it simply isn’t in the UK and similar countries where religious education in schools has been compulsory for centuries.

    In handing Bible teaching from parents to schools, where it will be taught by poorly paid and demotivated teachers, Oklahoma will make the primary source of information about religion people who have no particular drive for the children to become “believers”.

    I’m not sure what they think this will achieve, but I’m pretty sure it won’t achieve more churchgoers.

    Maybe they’ve figured out how little conservatism agrees with what Jesus actually says and want to wean the country off Christianity before people figure it out. This is a strange and slow way of going about that and a very ineffective way of manufacturing more Republican voters, I think.

    Then again, this is the party that gave the worst advice about covid, resulting in a much higher death rate for Republicans than Democrats, so they have form for stupidly shooting themselves in the foot.