How do you even solve that issue? It’s a beach. Do they just wait until the water returns back to normal? Or are they going to dump chemicals to clean it?
They should stop any further dumping of sewage into the waterways and then monitor the rivers until they are clean… But they’re not going to do that because the companies dumping couldn’t give less of a shit
How do you even solve that issue? It’s a beach. Do they just wait until the water returns back to normal? Or are they going to dump chemicals to clean it?
They should stop any further dumping of sewage into the waterways and then monitor the rivers until they are clean… But they’re not going to do that because the companies dumping couldn’t give less of a shit
they seem to give plenty of shit into the waterways
I don’t think you understand, we need a solution that requires us to do nothing and make absolutely no changes in our behaviour
Well it’s a regulation (lack of) problem amongst the water companies, so that is where you would start