• undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    “Have you tried not thinking about it or, instead, choosing to think of it as a good thing, instead of a bad one? Also, I hate irony and existentialism!”

    Specifically, you should stop trying to make major changes to the world and society, so as to protect the established order of wealth and power.

    I mean, its a perfectly good place to start and a great outlook, if you’re slave or a dirt poor peasant living during the slow collapse of the Roman empire, where your crops have failed, your children are all dying from the water you drink and you’ve just been raised by the 5th rampaging warlord this year.

    There are other schools of thought that have carried on from this which have been refined and improved on. However, there’s a certain part of the political and online sphere who only like philosophy that developed during a time when slavery was normalised, for some reason or another. Cant think why that might be…

    I mean, if I was a sociopathic wealth devouring monster, intent on subjugating everyone in the world, I’d have the population taught some type of Christian stoicism mash up.

    Theres a reason that, when they teach philosophy to adults, they start with the post enlightenment schools of thought and its not because all the ones before it were just “too good.”