So far, I’ve come across a few nice ones. Ordered by preference:
- Demeo | referral link
- Iron Rebellion | referral link
- Ultrawings | referral link
- Phantom covert ops | referral link
Demeo is probably my favorite here, but the others all have really interesting mechanics (so does Demeo, but there it feels more “traditional”). I think Cockpit games such as Iron Rebellion or Ultrawings are super nice in VR due to the lack of locomotion-immersion breaker that you’d normally have in “walking shooters” etc. Same goes for the kayak based locomotion in pco. There’s also 3rd person jump and runs such as Moss or Trover saves the universe.
(I’ve added the 25% referral links as well next to the store link, feel free to not use them)
The I expect you to die series is great, can’t wait for the new one. Room of realities is a great multiplayer escape room that works well sitting.
Demeo by far. Ghost Signal is good for a run through or two. Big Screen isn’t a game, but it’s always entertaining to check out the public rooms.
And for a few bucks, Puzzling Places is surprisingly satisfying.