• oxjox@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    Fair reporting would be ‘45 promises his conservative Christian base that he’ll get everything they want done in four years.’

    THAT is his point.

    The wording about not having to vote is less relevant than the point that he’ll get things done - because he wants them to vote this one time. Any presidential candidate could use the same wording about not needing to vote any longer because they’ll get everything done that the voters want. It’s an incredibly stupid thing to say because ‘democracy’ but it’s a reasonable assertion to a group of voters who only care about a few issues.

    If Harris were to “fix” the Supreme Court, “fix” gun regulations, “fix” health care, “fix” climate change, “fix” inequities; it’s a reasonable assertion that I may not have to vote again.

    TD says a lot of stupid shit. He says a lot of scary shit. Nothing he says should be taken lightly or ignored. However, a lot of it is taken out of context or re-contextualized. Even his statement about being a dictator on day one, as scary as his genuine intention is in an of itself, is misconstrued.

    This isn’t about nuance. This is about people inserting their emotions into the statements of others. This is about the media blatantly lying. It happens all the time regardless of party or politics or venue or subject matter. It’s exhausting and it’s something we should all be greatly concerned about.