Especially stuff not mentioned in the tutorial, or that isn’t intuitive at all. If it is relevant, I just hit Worthy Village (the one you get after schools/healthcare/garbage/taxes) and saved and quit to go eat dinner. I’ve enjoyed my time so far.

    8 months ago

    It might be tempting to turn all of your industry zones into non-polluting specializations (agriculture and forestry), but having no non-specialized industry means that you can’t produce goods locally. Commercial zones will have to import goods, and industrial zones will have to export surplus materials, which is a major contribution to freight traffic.

    If you have the Traffic Manager mod, it’s usually best to disable traffic lights and signs at intersections. Unlike the real world, most drivers are highly competent.

    Activate the recycling policy as soon as you can. Garbage will become an issue because it is bottlenecked by the capacity of disposal facilities (dumps/incinerators), their locations, the number of operating garbage trucks, and the efficiency of traffic. A full garbage truck will return to the facility, and if transportation capacity is inadequate, distant buildings may not get emptied even if the facility itself is not fully utilized.