Happy fluff post

  • @[email protected]
    1711 months ago

    That was a fairly idiotic read for a Sunday morning in bed. But hey, enjoy your confirmation bias if you want to.

  • @[email protected]
    1511 months ago

    “That means there is hope for a country that is beleaguered by weakness — which leans to the left.”

    … Never before has an author so effectively and quickly communicated to me that they aren’t a serious journalist.

  • @[email protected]
    711 months ago

    Young men right now are almost assured to find a broken dating marketplace

    Ah yes. “I’m a conservative because I can’t find a date.” Classic.

    • Mirror Slap
      611 months ago

      We have no example anything like what we’re seeing now. Those turning 18 are 87% blue. Every day boomers die, kids turn 18, and 83,000 votes change to blue - every day. The demographics are staggering. Want to know why the “red wave” was a pink trickle? That’s why. At no point in US history in the last 150 years have we seen anything like this. The GOP will lose the Presidency in 24 - there will be over 5 million new blue voters, and people aren’t turning red as they age anymore. The GOP will lose the House and Senate too. Attrition via death - the red side doesn’t have enough voters left.

        • PizzaMan
          11 months ago

          It will only swing back once the GOP actually does something to help people, and stops being so extreme/authoritarian. Until that happens the trend will continue.

        • Mirror Slap
          011 months ago

          Always before the political party would be pretending to care. The GOP ISN’T EVEN PRETENDING. They’ve embraced extremist fuse like banning abortion and various other wildly unbelievably unpopular things. There is massive support for gun safety legislation, for tax relief for everyday people rather than corporations, for medical care reform, younger people support science and the GOP is blatantly anti-science in every way possible, just over and over again, there is absolutely nothing at all to attract younger voters or even middle-aged voters. The pendulum will never swing back as it stands today.

  • jimbolauski
    -711 months ago

    As long as liberalism is linked to modern feminism men will reject it. You are not going to win people over by demonizing them because of their gender.

    • PizzaMan
      311 months ago

      Feminism is an extremely broad umbrella. Not all of it demonizes men.