As with many other subreddits, /r/LegalAdviceUK (which had been dark since the start of the blackout) has been sent a thinly-veiled threat by Reddit.

So they’ve reopened in order to start moving the entire community of 810,000 subscribers to somewhere else.

As you can imagine there are a number of legal professionals who moderate that sub, and they really don’t take kindly to being threatened. They sign off their reopening message with “Fuck /u/Spez and long live John Oliver.” but for the real fun you might want to look up a very famous British legal case they reference, Arkell v Pressdram 1971.

  • ✨Abigail Watson✨
    2 years ago

    “[reddit will] continue to be profit-driven until profits arrive” - as if the arrival of profits is inevitable and no one needs to do anything to ensure their safe journey.

    Is THAT how his comment is supposed to be interpreted? I’m an accountant, and I read it as “we’re drowning, and we’re going to go bankrupt without a new vertical!” If he said that as a sound bite for IPO news, he seriously miscalculated imo.