I found out about it because of a hacker news comment discussing the Reddit drama. I’m pretty upset that I didn’t discover it on Reddit. I assume any mention of Lemmy was marked as spam or was I just not browsing the right communities?

  • shootwhatsmyname
    91 year ago

    Reddit has been banning/deleting comments and subreddits dedicated to Lemmy or Kbin—unless someone notices, then they un-delete or un-ban

    • ArtieShaw
      61 year ago

      Interesting. Up until a few days ago, there was a subreddit devoted to Reddit alternatives. It’s how I learned about kbin and other options.

      Some of the posts were, let’s say, suspiciously negative. Lemmy/kbin were supposedly impossible to sign up for unless you had at least 2 degrees in CS. (I managed, somehow) Oh, and lemmy is run by tankies. (Wouldn’t care if it were). And it looks like hot garbage. (I like it well enough. It’s easier on the eyes than new or old reddit imo)

      It seemed like there were too many alternatives to make a rational choice, but ALSO “they all suck so don’t bother.” It sounded overwhelming, but I just said fuckit and picked one.

      I wasn’t expecting a fully formed set of communities and content or a perfectly polished interface. And I wasn’t expecting the interface to be filled with tons of features or to have no learning curve. This is actually a lot nicer that what I expected, which was a very new/basic site that will need to do a lot of growing.

      • krevassi
        21 year ago

        I wouldn’t sign up on an instance ran by nazis, I wouldn’t sign up on instance ran by tankies. I don’t think I’m being unreasonable connecting those two.

  • God
    71 year ago

    Can’t remember. Probably 2 weeks ago on a random reddit thread.

  • Rozinante
    61 year ago

    I saw it on hacker news and wanted to check it out as I intended to delete my Reddit account but wanted a new home where I could get my info fix. I came, I saw, I deleted my Reddit account and here I am :)

  • Salamander
    51 year ago

    If I remember correctly, I found Lemmy while looking into how to ‘de-google’ my phone

  • dan96kid
    31 year ago

    I found out about it during the recent Reddit shitstorm.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I happened upon one comment in r/TrackMania so it was totally coincidental. But I’m happy I found it. Otherwise I’d probably still be there or had searched for alternatives which might’ve lead to me ending up here anyway.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I caught the post about reddit censoring mentions of lemmy that made it to the front page. Streisand effect.

  • Zamboniman
    31 year ago

    Came across a reference to it on Reddit. I didn’t do anything at the time, but when I came across two or three more references to it just before the blackout I thought I’d give it a try.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    After I saw the AMA with spez, I didn’t have any hope for reddit being useable anymore. So I googled for something else to do my doom scrolling. I ran across a 4 year old YouTube video explaining the fediverse. Then I googled fediverse reddit alternative, and here I am. I wish I would have found out about all of this a long time ago.

  • iAmTheTot
    31 year ago

    Saw kbin mentioned in a verge article comment section during the reddit coverage.

      • iAmTheTot
        01 year ago

        Yes, since joining last Monday at the start of the reddit blackout, I haven’t opened reddit.

        • Truck-kun
          11 year ago

          berry nice, ive been using kbin and lemmy intermittently, me likes