This thread is meant for people to share what they’ve been doing this week. Incremental game recommendations are encouraged, although other topics are welcome as well. Just remember to keep it casual, be helpful, and have fun!
Have been having a ton of fun with Magic Research 2
How does it compare to Magic Research 1? I was enjoying that but the dungeon combat portion turned me off. Especially because as far as I got (didn’t finish), you, the headmaster of a wizarding school, basically had to use a sword to win. Not exactly my magical wizard fantasy.
It’s very similar to the first, but with most of the mechanics expanded and (slightly) polished. Exploration is the same, with some enemies requiring specific gear to beat, although magic-only builds are more viable with each magic school received more unique interactions. Armor is still the single most important thing you’ll equip. Great game overall, but your gripe with the first will also apply to the second.
This week I’m playing PPTop (the first chapter) - although “playing” is a loose term for “waiting for the next click to become available”.
Quite a bit of SquareIxion - but softcapping everything seems like lazy balancing, and the space issue is almost as bad as the blue colour used for prestige. YMMV, of course, and it’s definitely worth a go if you haven’t look at it yet.
Centaclick was really interesting! You have 100 clicks - how far can you get?
HackThePlanet was made for the recently-finished Summer Incremental Game Jam (all games here ) and I’m looking forward to playing the heck out of it once it’s done!!!
Another from the jam above that I very much enjoyed was Neon Turbo Throwdown - a CCG with incremental elements. Finishable in a day if you plug away at it.
I thought you closed Fundamental, feeling it had come to an end. Replaying? (It’s possible I missed something because not all the weekly posts federated over to me.)
I did. Opened it again yesterday after 93 days, 1 strange quark from saving. Given that some of the strange quark buyables cost hundreds this change a while back feels like a pisstake.
(Also, your memory is astonishing!!)
This week I’ve been replaying Algebraic Progression. It’s much slower than I remember, and I cheated via the console multiple times to get past parts that I found really slow. I guess I’m just accustomed to Squareixion, which for the most part won’t progress unless you actively monitor the game.
Oh thank goodness, this post made it to me on time.
Started a billion bananas and ate a billion bananas. Not sure how interested I am in the game after that.
Thanks for the link.
Started a billion bananas and ate a billion bananas. Not sure how interested I am in the game after that.
Yeah, same.
Shows how viral these posts can get :D
Bit of a quiet week for me, It’s hard to enjoy games the way I like when half such thoughts get cut off by ‘you need to make games’… so it’s read typescript textbook dot dot employ some strategy dot dot for me. will get the conspiracy of lemurs going to multitask a bunch of games once I can put that behind me but am tiding over upholding Trimps for now (help?) Non incrementally this week, Sylvie released funeral song for the Elemental lords… I played this for about two and a half days, toying lightly with the mechanics. If you are at all interested in platformers or specifically if the rule of elemental lords preventing your health sounds like a plausible theory… then your line to cashing in a positive comment is clear.