• JohnnyEnzyme@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    Ack, sorry for the late reply, Blaze! :S

    Is there anything we can do to help?

    Appreciate. <3
    I think I’ve made the critical adjustment necessary, which is to not push myself anymore, trying to make one post per day. It was very ambitious, and it seems to have grown our subscribers a lot over the months, but it’s just too much for me with the low energy, aching hands & back, etc.

    Other than that, I think my disillusionment with my community & Lemmy overall is fading a bit. Indeed, one has to keep adjusting one’s expectations across life, mais non?

    Do you think you need another mod?

    Yes, there are three distinct positions available.

    My current mod to me is like an old friend, life preserver, and provider of cool Moebius stuff, but his time is limited for this extra stuff.