Hey there! Tell us what you like! Share your interests, you might find some other buddies who share interests with you. Either way, think of this as sort of a show and tell. Share as much as you’d like. Feel free to show/link some examples if you’d like. Let’s have fun with it =)!

  • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
    7 months ago

    AU-D-FREAKIN’-H-D!!! Yo!

    Top link doesn’t work here =<

    I was thinking about this the other day. I kinda wanted to do an askie-poo here but I just said feh! But if we could speak on alternate time lines - how could we have changed the world in order to set it up for the success of the most plausible amount of individuals versus the sort of caste-goop we’ve got going on right now.

    GL on building your TIKI by the by, maybe you should ask the question and invite others to participate in building it?

    • Murdoc
      7 months ago

      🙂 👋

      Weird, the link works for me. :/

      Oh, I’ve certainly thought of alternate time-lines. Aspiring writer here. Trying to turn one of them into a novel (well, novel series lol), but you know, ADHD. So I could certainly talk at length about that.

      Thanks. I’ve tried getting help. What few have accepted never seemed to have the time, or else they had too much trouble with the wiki paradigm? Idk. It’s been a struggle. Which is too bad since I tend to work better (i.e. more often) when others are involved.

      • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
        7 months ago

        Maybe cause I am on PieFed and you’re on the thing…that link came from that I can’t remember the name of now @_@!!! Oh yeah, for sure I totally get it. If you ever wanna jam down on some talkie bits I’m here for it. I love a good conversation =)!

        On the Tiki (I think it was called?) I gave a think on it, but I really don’t know a damn thing about technocracies (I believe it was called - this is all off of memory so sorry if I am butchering everything) I did take a look around and I thought this person has some good bones here - just needs to flesh stuff out a bit =)! Oh yeah, body doubling is real. Me too. If you wanna make something right now I’d be down. You seem like a cool person, and I’ve got the time =)