Hello all, for a few weeks/months now, my computer has stopped going into suspend mode. Here is what happens when putting it to sleep (using GNOME’s power menu) or using systemctl suspend:

  1. Display turns off, peripherals turn off (keyboard lights off etc), fans spin up before sleep as usual
  2. Fans go back to idle speed, computer stays on
  3. Have to press the keyboard, wake the display up and go in the power menu again to suspend it (from the lock screen), and it works every time like this.

I have no idea what could be preventing suspend and what I could find online did not really help a lot. I don’t think it is a USB device because I tried unplugging most of them except my mouse or my keyboard and it still did not work, and the second time on the lock screen it always suspends like intended

  • Distro: Fedora 40
  • DE: Gnome 46
  • GPU: NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti (Wayland)
  • CPU: Intel 10850K
  • MB: Gigabyte Z590 Gaming X (everything is up to date)

thx !

  • mashbooq@infosec.pub
    7 months ago

    Which nvidia services are running? I’ve had trouble with some of them keeping my computer from suspending before

    • Pasta DentalOP
      7 months ago

      I’m not 100% sure what you mean by Nvidia services? I have the drivers from rpmfusion, but I also have the CUDA drivers from Nvidia’s fedora repo

      • mashbooq@infosec.pub
        7 months ago

        The nvidia driver package can install some systemd services; for example, my computer has a ‘nvidia-persistenced’ service running. In the past I’ve had trouble with them preventing suspend. You can list all running services with

        systemctl list-units --type=service --state=active

        If you do have some nvidia-* services running, you can check for weird behavior with

        journalctl -u nvidia-persistenced

        or by looking through the general journalctl logs to see if the service is doing anything when you try to suspend.

        You can also search to see if your nvidia driver version is causing problems for anyone else with suspending.

        • Pasta DentalOP
          7 months ago

          When running systemctl list-units --type=service --state=active | grep nvidia, I get 0 results, so it seems there are 0 nvidia services running on my system, should that be the case? I noticed that nvidia-persistenced is installed on my system, but is not active, do you happen to know if it is best disabled? I saw some things about it but I would assume that the problems would be caused by the service being enabled

          • mashbooq@infosec.pub
            7 months ago

            Sorry, I don’t know much more about it. I think it might get disabled if your card doesn’t use it or if your distro knows it causes problems, but I’m not sure. It doesn’t seem like that’s the problem in your case, anyway.