• @[email protected]
    5521 days ago

    It’s amazing what modern game engine’s can render. That looks almost real, kudos to the creators

  • pelya
    3420 days ago

    C++ is fiiiiine. Just use the modern variant of the language, don’t bother with hand-optimizing your memory allocators, and generally avoid anything involving pointer arithmetics. So, basically, use it like you would use Python.

    • @[email protected]
      820 days ago

      So, basically, use it like you would use Python.

      That’s a great way to get performance as shitty as python’s.

      • @[email protected]
        1420 days ago

        This is a very “yes but still no” thing in my experience. Typically, I find that if I write “naive” C++ code, where I make no effort to optimise anything, I’ll outperform python code that I’ve spent time optimising by a factor of 10-30 (given that the code is reasonably complex, this obviously isn’t true for a simple matrix-multiplication where you can use numpy). If I spend some time on optimisation, I’ll typically be outperforming python by a factor of 50+.

        In the end, I’ve found it’s mostly about what kind of data structures you’re working with, and how you’re passing them around. If you’re primarily working with arrays of some sort and doing simple math with them, using some numpy and scipy magic can get you speeds that will beat naive C++ code. On the other hand, when you have custom data structures that you want to avoid unnecessarily copying, just rewriting the exact same code in C++ and passing things by reference can give you massive speedups.

        When I choose C++ over python, it’s not only because of speed. It’s also because I want a more explicitly typed language (which is easier to maintain), overloaded functions, and to actually know the memory layout of what I’m working with to some degree.

        • @[email protected]
          520 days ago

          I guess I should have clarified in my original comment that I was exaggerating - obviously, C++ doesn’t get as bad as python, not even into the same ballpark.

          My emphasis was on “don’t use C++ like you would python” because that’s not good advice imo.

  • @[email protected]
    2820 days ago

    I love C++ I love C++ I love C++ I love C++

    >does big something with C++

    I hate C++ I hate C++ I hate C++ I hate C++

    • @[email protected]
      320 days ago

      Honestly that’s most things in life.

      The more complex your project, the more likely you are to run into the rough patches or quirks of whatever it is you’re working with.

  • Seraph
    1721 days ago

    It’s so we can recreate that, but with like laser beams and stuff.

  • jeff 👨‍💻
    1520 days ago

    My favorite project was C++; it was big, it was complicated, there was a massive team working on it, I got to work with high level abstractions while occasionally dealing with really low level concerns.

    It was really hard, but now writing code in every other language I’ve worked in has been really easy.

  • @[email protected]
    1320 days ago

    I feel the same every time I see JavaScript. C++ is one of those ugly but also elegant languages you should try at least once.

    • @[email protected]
      20 days ago

      You know, in that case, the blame doesn’t fall on the guy that made it. Shit on the people that made the development deadline a couple weeks, and then decided to keep the product in place for decades.

  • @[email protected]
    920 days ago

    What if we didn’t want more sea, just spikier? C#

    I look out acroth the thea, and thee what I can thee. I can’t pronounth that thtupid language; I’ll write in lithp.

    Ocean + traversing a desert => Ocaml?

    I improved the C! It is greater! More potent! But what is this? I look at at my poor boat, upon which I traverse the waves of the C++ 7; now it is degraded. Now its beautiful metal hull has oxidised. Oh, the dangers of the C. …Wait, that gives me an idea…

  • Codex
    820 days ago

    That’s why Rust had to be developed! Oxidize all those computers and stuff back to nature.

    • Codex
      519 days ago

      What’s with the downvotes on a silly joke? Is the Linux kernel team on Lemmy?

      • Anna
        18 days ago

        Hey assembly is good in the sense you are only dealing with one language but in embedded C you get bad parts of both C and assembly. You have to follow weird C99 or even C89 syntax and on top of that for each micro controllers you have to sift through several hundred pages of data sheet. Each one needing separate registers to be setup in a particular way for every single operation and so much more stupid ass shit.

        • @[email protected]
          17 days ago

          All of the quirks you said are true, yet they still established the “okay” ecosystem of hobby-grade microcontrollers like Arduino, IoT devices, and other small scale robotics systems. None of them would have happened without the “okay” abstraction C/C++ provides as opposed to assembler