• BigAssFan@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Hard to follow your reasoning, I was the one getting insulted, at no point did I insult anyone. I presented facts, if people are offended by them that’s up to them. Too bad that people don’t really care about facts but are more influenced by image building that matches their preconceived ideas. But still, facts are the only basis we have in intelligent discussions. And I don’t think I am better than anyone else (again, where did you pick that notion up?) but I do see all the problems that we currently have which are caused by ourselves. You know, people and cattle forming 97% of landbased mammal biomass, all the elephants, giraffes, mice, deer etc. come out of the remaining 3%. More than 75% of all agricultural area spent on cattle. This is all because we like to eat meat preferably daily, once only reserved for the wealthy, perhaps once a week for middle class. The way we are eating is just not sustainable and has to change, but people are consiously deaf for this notion. Blaming the people that do see this cause and effect.