Bookworm becomes stable today!

  • @TheYang
    41 year ago

    Hah, I’m so conservative (and don’t really need anything new right now) that I’ll still wait a month or so to upgrade

  • @redawl
    21 year ago

    Woo! Noob question, but I’ve been using the debian apt repo for a while now, is there anything I need to do to use the stable repo, or does that happen as a side effect of the bookworm becoming stable?

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      You need to update your apt sources file. Here is the process. Run the following commands as root. Use sudo -s first to avoid having to prefix every command with sudo. This assumes you are running bullseye. If not you need to update to bullseye first.

      Update your current installation first:
      apt udpate
      apt full-upgrade -y

      Then upgrade:
      sed -i 's/bullseye/bookworm/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
      export LC_ALL=C
      apt update
      apt upgrade --without-new-pkgs -y
      apt full-upgrade -y

      Then reboot.

  • Matt Payne
    11 year ago

    Does this have Gnome 44 along with its improved fractional scaling for Wayland?

  • @paxM
    11 year ago

    I will spin dummy vm to see it’s accessibility.