Some sites offer up to 30% off.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      41 year ago

      If you look in the comments, some people think it’s unethical but others don’t. It’s subjective, i guess.

  • majkeli
    51 year ago

    If it’s abused it will be removed as a perk and military folks won’t be able to use it.

  • TisBe
    -51 year ago

    Damn this makes me sad. If this catches on, I’m might to have to stop giving a military discount. I felt it was my duty. I have given military discounts for the last 12 years because the US military under pays those folks that volunteer to give their lives for my freedom to run my business. I run a micro business and that discount can really effect my bottom line. I’m really tired of getting screwed because I tried to do right by the people that protect me.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      If you are living in the US, i can assure you, military ain’t protecting you from anyone. USA as a whole is not about protecting, but attacking and killing others.

    • candyman337
      191 year ago

      Hardly. Stolen valor is when you impersonate a vet for clout.

      You’re putting in a code in a checkout menu that you and you alone will see, to get a discount.

      • @[email protected]OPM
        61 year ago

        Thought experiment: what if it’s in-store and the cashier asks if you’re in the military and you say yes?

        • papalonian
          31 year ago

          I’d say dick move in that scenario. At that point you’re no longer throwing strings of text at a website, you’re lying to a person. What if the cashier’s father died serving? That’s an awkward situation you don’t wanna be in.