• smb@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Wait… So LOTR is just a long winded remake of Smokey and the Bandit and Pippin is the Bandit.j

    honestly i have no idea who a smoky should be, however i liked the movie “Bandits” back then, but i guess its likely not what you meant.

    no pippin is rather just a fool who is directly driven by his curiosity and foolish but never foul ideas but that had an impact by the same luck that seems to follow pippin wherever he goes, thus he is rather the old character of the fool from tarot cards people have long forgotten (which is the only card of todays -poker,skat,etc- cardgames that somehow kept its original meaning from tarot cards: the joker who could be placed to replace every other card like the fool -high arkana- who could do anything and would just walk forwards without fearing consequences or looking back which is much of what pippin is like)