B.C. Conservative leader John Rustad says British Columbia needs to have a “conversation” about nuclear power playing a role in the province’s energy future, and review educational m...
The party leader also says it was “crazy” for the former B.C. Liberal party to have banned nuclear power, saying the province needs to have a “conversation” about reconsidering its position, tying high energy costs to lower living standards.
The “ban” on Nuclear refers to the Clean Energy Act from 2010
Section 2 - British Columbia’s energy objectives
People who voted for it which coincidentally includes the guy complaining about it: https://www.leg.bc.ca/parliamentary-business/overview/39th-parliament/2nd-session/votes-and-proceedings/v100428.htm
As someone who made it about 33m through the 1:50 podcast that essentially how everything goes if you fact check it.