She’s now seeking an apology from Nova Scotia Health and the Colchester East Hants Health Centre after Paxton was sent home by two doctors in Truro, only to end up in emergency brain surgery at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax.

“For them to basically tell us to leave with a child that can’t even walk or say more than a couple of words and is hallucinating … that’s not normal, in my opinion,” said Weatherbie.

She said on top of the fact Paxton could barely walk or talk, he was vomiting, his forehead was protruding and his tongue was black and swollen. He also had a seizure seven hours earlier, which had never happened to him before.

“I carried him back out to the car, called the IWK and they said bring him straight down. He was in a CT scan under five minutes of being [there],” said Weatherbie.

  • sbv
    6 months ago

    That’s horrific. I hope the kid is able to make a full recovery. And that we take this as a wake up call - stories like this feel like a warning about the state of our healthcare system.