I remember watching the Beetlejuice cartoon when I was a kid. I thought it was fun and exciting! Lydia and Beetlejuice went on adventures every day, fighting villains and having gothic horror fun. Then I saw the original movie and was surprised to find out Beetlejuice was actually the villain. And super creepy toward Lydia too. Huh.
That’s every R-rated movie turned into a cartoon. Robocop and Ghostbusters and Starship Troopers were advertised anywhere and everywhere, and kids liked the shallow cool parts in the trailers, so executives said “screw it” and licensed no-budget G-rated spinoffs to sell toys.
Those exploding bug-alien toys were fucking sick, by the way.
All four seasons (94 episodes) of Beetlejuice are currently streaming on the popular platform.
Only a synth would call Tubi popular.