Mongolia’s energy dependence complicates the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin under an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant, a Mongolian government spokesperson told Politico in a statement on Sept. 3.

  • @[email protected]
    5715 days ago

    Disappointed, but not surprised.

    Putin wouldn’t have come if that wasn’t clear from the onset.

  • @[email protected]
    4015 days ago

    Yeah, I mean, they’re in a tough spot. As much as I would’ve loved to see him nabbed and flown to the Hague, I understand why Mongolia isn’t going to put itself in a major diplomatic and economic crisis just for a pat on the head by Western powers.

    • NoIWontPickAName
      1615 days ago

      Fuck that! The mongols took over most of the known world before and held it.

      Summon the strength of your ancestors and reclaim northern Mongolia!

    • atro_city
      1115 days ago

      After seeing what Western “support” did to Afghanistan and how long it takes to get anything to Ukraine, it’s not surprising. The West is barely able to provide the minimum for Ukraine and they are on the same continent. If Russia turned its sights on Mongolia, they’d be fucked.

      How the hell would the Mongols to fend off the Russians? How would supplies from Western allies even reach them? Fly through Russian airspace over the polar circle? Fly through Russia? Through Kazakhstan?

    • @[email protected]
      15 days ago

      I doubt any EU country, or even the US, would actually drag Putin before a court. They’ll grandstand and virtue signal at every opportunity, but when push comes to shove it won’t be an option until there is a domestic coup lined up. Only an extremely naive or suicidal developing country would take that chance.

      • @[email protected]
        1015 days ago

        I doubt any EU country, or even the US, would actually drag Putin before a court.

        Why wouldn’t they?

        • @[email protected]
          615 days ago

          Well the USA does not endorse the international Court if I remember correctly. They even pressured it in the past and stated they would take military actions if needed.

        • @[email protected]
          215 days ago

          Why would they risk creating a power vacuum in a nuclear power where a successor could end up being an even more extremist hardliner? This isn’t rocket science. Sabre-rattling is basic diplomacy.

          Do you have any idea how many tens of thousands of comments I’ve read from people claiming Trump would be in jail “any day now” over the last … 8 years? I was downvoted practically every time I pointed out the plutocracy rarely sees justice. This isn’t my first rodeo with the naive hive mind. I’d like to say I had the last laugh, but I’m not laughing.

          • @[email protected]
            -114 days ago

            Anyone who thought Trump would be in jail “any day now” has apparently not seen how our appeal system works when you are a nonviolent offender with a lot of money to hire the best lawyers.

            They can file an appeal bond, where you remain free until the appeal process has been seen through. They don’t tend to get thrown into jail until the appeal process has run its course. This is different from a violent offender, or perhaps some poor offender who is stuck with a grossly overworked public defender.

            • @[email protected]
              114 days ago

              Lol. Yeah keep telling yourself you live in a real democracy. I’m sure the part where the richest corporations and oligarchs are never held accountable, and get most legislation they want, is purely a coincidence.

              • @[email protected]
                014 days ago

                That demonstrates a very poor understanding of our history, specifically the era of our Robber Barons, which we dealt with over the course of about 50 years in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. You should look up the tax system we put in place over those years, and the origins of our anti-trust laws.

  • DarkThoughts
    3915 days ago

    They didn’t just fail to arrest him, they rolled out the red carpet.

  • @[email protected]
    1114 days ago

    Mongolia being landlocked sandwiched between China and Russia sealed its destiny to these two. If they had another neighboring country willing to counter them sharing a land border…

  • @[email protected]
    514 days ago

    It’s hard to do the right thing when the west doesn’t even respect the global south.

    I mean even with Ukraine doing so many things right the west still languishes in out supplying Russia.

  • @ThrowawayPermanente
    314 days ago

    I’m sure a few thousand Russian tanks also factored into their decision