• P4ulin_Kbana@lemmy.eco.br
    7 months ago

    Every time I want to play Lego DC Super Villains I have to go through this intro which lasts an entire minute. Unskippable, by the way. That game is awesome, but that intro is only worth watching it on the first time.

    • tetris11@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago


      This is a simple mod that doesn’t add anything new to the game, but instead makes some small ‘quality-of-life’ changes to things already present in-game, making the experience slightly different and hopefully more enjoyable and/or immersive. No new models/textures/effects are applied by this mod, only a few script changes to the base game.

      · Fast Boot- Makes the startup screen and cutscene (LEGO,DC,Tt logos) faster and skippable, respectively.
      · Rush Start - Some unskippable cutscenes can now be skipped (e.g.: can skip level 0 cutscene and jump right into character creator)
      · More Characters- Unlocks “hidden” unobtainable character and animal.
      · More Vehicles- Unlocks every “hidden” unobtainable vehicle and turret.
      · No Bad Words - Custom characters are allowed to be named anything, all ‘bad words’ have been removed.
      · Kill Everything - Civilians, Babies and animals can now be killed, they can even fight back when attacked.
      · Bigfig Ride- Allows Bigfigs to use vehicles and ride animals
      · Grabs Extended- Allows to use Grab moves and executions on followers (or other player) and civilians. Cannot be performed on all characters.
      · Faster Credits - End credits scroll much faster and are forced to finish 156 seconds in, instead of 900 seconds (15 min), ensuring only one playback of the “I fought the law” song. Credits can still be skipped at any time.
      · Customizing+ (experimental and buggy) - Custom characters can now use more than one body attachment part at once and with every hair, without limits.

      • P4ulin_Kbana@lemmy.eco.br
        7 months ago

        This mod is useful, but I can’t use it. I only play this game on the Nintendo Switch, and I won’t mod it due to damage concerns.