Wrote a new blog today about how much setting should go in a rulebook. It’s different for every game, but I feel a lot of games put too much lore in with the rules.

I know it’s really hip to have your setting lean on your mechanics and vice versa, so neither works great without another, but I am more of a fan of rules that support tone and play patterns that reinforce genre more than specific settings. Probably mostly because I am not big on learning a lot about a setting before I feel good about running a game.

I also like to have lots of room to improv and make a setting my own. I know you can do that with any setting, but I just feel more confident doing that with less definition in the setting.

I could probably drop a little something more into my rulebook as a stinger to get people excited about what kind of fiction the game presents. I guess that could be interpreted as setting, or at least adjacent.

Curious about what other think about this topic.


  • gary_d_pryor@lemmy.worldOP
    2 years ago

    “Rules are IMO less important than setting” that’s the hottest take I’ve gotten so far. I agree in spirit. I love it when the rules get out of the way of narrative and immersion. That’s probably why I love Electric Bastionland so much. It’s got a real solid simple foundation that I can use for any story about exploring a dangerous space.