I’ve been monitoring, checking whether my posts or comments appear on external instances, including mastodon, and it doesn’t seem to be happening.

See a prior post of mine where I provided some specific examples: https://lemmy.ml/post/1310621

But generally, it seems you could go through my profile and check any post/comment to an external community.

Obviously this is frustrating to me as a user.

But big picture here is whether this is a generally problem for lemmy.ml as a whole. Other instances seem to be federating just fine, but perhaps something has gone wrong with this server or there’s a bug that has been tripped here that might occur on other instances too.

Edit thanks for all the replies and confirmations of federation working!! Really! Polite and helpful, wonderful to see … hope I didn’t come off as whiny in this post.

I still think there are problems and maybe things getting lost.

Eg: a post on which I commented, viewed on lemmy.ml: https://lemmy.ml/post/1361008, and the posts original location on beehaw https://beehaw.org/post/639764. Mine is the oldest so sorting by old should show it, or in the case of beehaw, not. And just to clarify, lemmy.ml and beehaw still federate.

EDIT2 Did another test, commenting on an external post and it went through immediately. So it seems the issue is intermittent, as other comments have testified. Still might be a problem worth addressing.

  • @boopeditandnow
    61 year ago

    This thread has huge ham radio vibes and I love it.

  • Dusty
    41 year ago

    You’re showing up on my personal instance.

    Things do sometimes take a bit to come across, and I tend to get a bunch of posts from a single instance come in at one. It does make a bit of a pain at times as I won’t see anything at all from an instance, then my front page fills up with nothing but posts from one community within an instance (that’s how I came across this thread).

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I have noticed on other instances also that same thing happening I think its a delay in federation

  • polygon
    31 year ago

    Weird stuff is happening with Federation. I was in a huge discussion on a post with over 500 comments, as a kbin user talking primarily to Lemmy users. Since I’m still evaluating Lemmy vs kbin, I decided to go see what they thread looked like from a Lemmy users perspective since it was fairly large. I happen to already have an account on the instance this big conversation was happening on. I cannot find it. I sorted by Hot, Active, even sorted by Comments since it had so many. It’s simply not there. And yet, I can see it via kbin, and plenty of Lemmy people can see it because we all commented on it all day yesterday. But the instance that actually hosts the community it all happened on doesn’t show the post at all.

    Strange things are afoot in the Fediverse.

  • Meldrik
    31 year ago

    I can see your post from lemmy.wtf :)

    Because of the huge influx of new users (and bugs), federation will sometimes lag behind.

  • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
    31 year ago

    I’m on lemmy.world and see your post just fine, with all its comments.

    I also went directly to lemmy.ml to check and I don’t see differences from what I see on lemmy.world, maybe it’s just a delay on federation? Accessing lemmy.ml sometimes give a bad gateway error.

  • Maestro
    31 year ago

    I see your post from kbin.social (which isn’t even a Lemmy instance)

  • @sneakyninjapants
    31 year ago

    I can see your post, and comment as you can see. I’m not sure of the reason for the issues you’re seeing though.