Opt out of betas, restart steam! 11GB download, lol.

  • orbitz@lemmy.ca
    6 months ago

    I bought it a few years back but never got that far into it but have seen some YouTube plays of it at the time so I’m curious what’s new. I spent like 400 hours in factorio before bothering to launch a rocket so need fewer games going before starting one of these types. Hopefully Captain of Industry isn’t planning a full release anytime soon.

    • Opisek@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      I’m 300 hours into factorio without launching a rocket. The factory must grow and I want to see full belts of every item in the game. I also bought satisfactory way back and had a lot of fun with it for like 70 hours but then just stopped. A few days ago I had just started it back up and made a new world. Now I hear the announcement about 1.0. Maybe it’s worth revisiting. I like the build system in satisfactory (in particular the conveyor belts) in comparison to factorio, but early game is very grindy with the biomass generators and all.

      • reddfugee@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Belt-fed Biomass Generators and automating Solid Biofuel from wood & leaves really helps with the initial power grind, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with that part of 1.0. I fed the system ~250 wood and the leaves that came with it, and not only found 25 tickets in my Awesome Sink the next morning (sinking half my Concrete production), but the power grid was still up and had ~20min of run time left!

    • Cethin@lemmy.zip
      6 months ago

      Yeah, I’ve had it for years and never got super far (well beyond the beginning, but not to the really late stuff). It never clicked for me like Factorio has. Satisfactory is a factory game, but I’d say the biggest thing is it’s an architecture game first. The factory is the reason to build cool buildings, but building is the primary focus of the game. If you don’t like that then you won’t enjoy it probably.

      I can definitely see the appeal of the game, and I’ve gotten enjoyment out of it. The biggest hurdle for me personally is how long it takes to make things. In Factorio even early game I can plop down stuff from the overhead view very quickly and get something running. Then once you have bots you can just set down a blueprint and it’ll be done in a few seconds. Satisfactory you can’t do this. Even the blueprints are pretty small and can’t have connections automatically link between them, so it’ll always be slower. I just wish the process of building was streamlined, because I love factory games and I like the concept of the game. I just can’t actually enjoy playing it for long.

      • Hugin@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Yeah I love Factorio. Satisfactory gets tedious to build and never semes to have any interesting design meta.