Like, I get it - there are people in both communities that might be pushy in one way or another. But, like, come on. One of them is a way of life that strives towards excluding as much pain and suffering in the world of innocent beings as possible and the other is a fucking OS. Grinds my gears.

Any thoughts?

Edit: What I meant specifically is the “pushiness” and “preachiness” that’s attributed to both. Not sure if this is just my bias from observing comments about the recent discourse around the whole vegan cat food debacle, but yea

  • The_sleepy_woke_dialectic [he/him]
    19 days ago

    The relevant comparison between Linux (FOSS in general) and Veganism here is that we’re at the stage of acceptance where the ceiling is how many potential allies who would immediately “get it” when presented with the idea. Making people talk about Linux/Veganism more is effective, even if it means being as loud and obnoxious as possible (all publicity is good publicity!)

    Yes, creating one Vegan is ten million times more desirable than creating one Linux user, but like most “radical progressive” ideas; I think one does more to reinforce, than steal breath from, the other.

    I’m willing to bet the average FOSS advocate is significantly more likely to be Vegan too.