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Admiral Snaccbar @Chris Mench Serving shrimp with the tail still on when it’s already mixed into something (pasta, rice, etc) is insane.
More power to ya! What about natto? She tried to get me to like it but I can’t tolerate the smell. I found it’s a very easy lunch for my 2 year old who loves it, though.
Mix in a little mustard and some tare sauce. I didn’t like it at first but the taste just seems earthy to me now. I also don’t really eat it with rice. Either in those fish sausage tube things or alone on a spoon (which also cuts down on the stringy trails you have to deal with).
Yeah, no, I don’t like the smell, taste, or texture. I have made natto for her in an instant pot, though. She said it came out okay but I still didn’t eat it!