Elections have consequences. The only thing you prove by not voting is that your opinion doesn’t matter, and future campaigns will remember that signal from you not showing up and further de-prioritize your concerns.
This is a big reason that millennials were ignored as a voting block for so long–because it was safe to assume most of them don’t vote anyway. When you vote, you make them start considering your opinion.
Elections have consequences. The only thing you prove by not voting is that your opinion doesn’t matter, and future campaigns will remember that signal from you not showing up and further de-prioritize your concerns.
This is a big reason that millennials were ignored as a voting block for so long–because it was safe to assume most of them don’t vote anyway. When you vote, you make them start considering your opinion.
This goes even more for local and primary elections. Those votes count to move the needle of opinion on what they should focus on to get your vote.