• Timecircleline
    5 months ago

    Y’all I just fell down a rabbit hole. I understood that Canada has a limited right to expression- meaning hate speech is prohibited, and checked the New Brunswick’s human rights act- gender expression and gender identity are protected classes.

    BUT it seems really similar to this case: https://decisions.scc-csc.ca/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/12876/index.do where the court ruled that the material was not hateful enough to be hate speech? I wonder if the best thing to do is make their own (better) flyers promoting love. It’s unfortunate- falsehoods are actually protected under freedom of expression.

    I can’t imagine how devastating it must be for that mother to have to handle and disperse materials that challenge her daughter’s right to exist and live in a way that makes her feel safe. I understand the importance of freedom of expression rules, but I have a feeling that if these flyers were going out saying that children with other medical conditions shouldn’t be receiving care, or children with disabilities shouldn’t receive accomodation in the classroom, there would be more of an uproar. It’s so sad that one group of children seems to be an acceptable target.