Originally aired on Sept 10, 1994, The Tearing is the very first episode of the classic series, ReBoot! Venture back to Mainframe with Bob, Dot, Enzo and you...
It was some awful weird show where live action teens go into the mainframe and become these robot guys. Nothing to do with the original show except one episode where they had Bob. But everyone hated it
I remember being so hyped that they were making a new reboot series, then we got whatever the fuck that crap is that they called reboot.
I didn’t know they rebooted Reboot.
It was some awful weird show where live action teens go into the mainframe and become these robot guys. Nothing to do with the original show except one episode where they had Bob. But everyone hated it
TIL that there were a bunch of weird censoring decisions made about the original Reboot: https://youtu.be/IULUImZfK-A
I would very much like to know why “hockey” was verboten. The video proposed one reason, but I’m not sure I’m convinced.
Oh yeah, most modern reboots are a drop in quality. Doesn’t mean I won’t seize the opportunity to make a pun!
Also, speaking of apparent drops in quality … Scott Adams turned out to be pretty offensive, but I still appreciate your username.