I hope it’s fine to ask this here, I’m using endeavor os with KDE and got some little speakers for my pc, they however only seem to play sound from the “front left” channel, is there a way to make pulse audio send all audio on it? Like, mono mode? I couldn’t find anything that does that…

Edit: Found a solution! Like i said before in a comment on this post turned out i was running pipewire-pulse, so i could use pipewire solutions! tried easyeffects and it perfectly fitted my needs, thanks for all the responses everyone!

  • QuillsOP
    2 years ago

    Just found out my system is actually running pipewire, so that’s why everything i tried didn’t work right! But when i checked i remember seeing pulse-audio
    Or maybe i just read it wrong… well that makes things easier, will look into y’all suggestions about pipe, thanks!