I love the app, but as of late it’s crashing and getting network errors All. The. Time. I’m kinda done bearing through it waiting for it to be fixed. The official app has the same issues.
Any alternatives, preferably with SponsorBlock and YouTube Dislike integrated?
I use ReVanced and love it. Works great, though you do need to do some fiddling to set it up. Once it’s installed, though, it’s just regular YouTube with all the bullshit stripped out. You can even remove features you don’t like, like the Shorts page or the Cast button. And it’s got patches for SponsorBlock and Return YouTube Dislike.
I personally didn’t really find it fiddly, though there are a couple more steps involved than just downloading any old app off the play store. I just followed the instructions (download the recommended YouTube version APK for the revanced version, download revanced manager, install with the utilities you want, voilà). I did find adding an external application to download videos directly through the app a tiny bit more difficult but not too bad. Keep in mind this is from the point of view of someone that is kinda tech-savvy though.
I tried explaining it in simple terms to a few non-tech-savvy friends and they said it sounded “too complicated.” and they’d rather just deal with the ads than mess around with it.
Oh yeah that’s fair, and to be honest explaining it verbally makes it sound a lot worse than it is. A video walkthrough or follow along to instructions is much better. “I’ll tell you all the steps and it’ll take max 5-10 minutes to set you up for life with a better free YouTube premium experience” sounds a lot better than “all you have to do is [list of 10 steps in technical terms]”
Was thinking to install either ReVanced or LibreTube but I’m not sure if using Google account with ReVanced will get you banned? They say that MircoG prevents that, but where there actually any cases of people getting banned?
I have used Vanced and now Revanced for many years and not had a problem with that
What kind of fiddling? I just installed it from the playstore and it seems to be working fine.
…what exactly did you install? I’d be very weary of installing anything other than official builds from their website/GitHub.
It’d be a good way to get your Google account stolen.
This is the app on in the store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bimilyoncu.sscoderr.revanced
I have never seen that before but it’s definitely not official Revanced. You should get the manager from here (https://github.com/revanced), download the recommended YouTube apk and patch it yourself.
If your unrooted it involves downloading the APK and patching it with the manager. Can take a little to figure out what patches work or not. Luckily they recently added ‘recommended’ patches to make that a bit easier. It was a bit of a roll of the dice prior