We got the old Trans and Diff out where we encountered our first issue. The new Diff has 2 things Sticking out at both Inputs for the Axle. the Old one has just 2 Holes in there, where the axles go into. Im fairly confident that we can remove those 2 sticky out Bits, but ill need to buy specialist Equipment for it. after taking those bits out, it may just turn out that they do not actually fit in there.

The other, much much bigger issue is that once the new Transmission was in there, we noticed that the new Touqe Converter that came with the new Legacy I Transmission, must be Smaller than the old one… we cannot connect the Engine with the Transmission like this… this kinda left us at a really bad spot as taking the Trans out again to switch the new Converter with the old one would take atleast 4 more hours… and that when we do not actually know if both the old Converter would fit in the new Trans, or if the Old converter is broken by now… ive previously read that if the SVX Trans starts failing, the Torqe Converter Suffers damage from it as well. not sure how true that is though.

So I might need some second opinions on this. should we try the old Converter? taking into consideration that if it doesnt work or wont fit, itll take hours to put the Trans in and out (and also quite a bit of money, as im paying my Mechanic friend by the hour)? the alternative is buying a new Converter… for like 500€, even though im already quite drained money wise by all this… really not sure, some tips or opinions would be much appreciated!

  • TerraRoot
    2 months ago

    I’ve nothing to add but good luck (never even owned a auto)