I just switched from Windows 10 to Bazzite with KDE 6. I have experience with linux before, but not as a main OS. I have a Logitech Performance MX. I used SetPoint on Windows to fine-tune things.

For some reason, my scroll wheel acts differently in almost every program. Firefox is the only one that feels normal. My scroll wheel clicks as I scroll, and in Windows that would do 3 lines up or down.

Nothing except Firefox follows the clicking, so all my scrolling is super fine-grained as if I were scrolling with a trachpad. I tried Solaar and that gave me an option to turn off smooth scrolling, but now I need to scroll 6 or more times to see any movement. Increasing sensitivity in KDE just means after 6 times of nothing, the next one is a huge leap. There’s no middle ground it seems and I’m losing my mind trying to fix this.

Is there anything else I can do?

  • rtxn@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    If you decide to ditch Bazzite, try either Garuda or EndeavourOS. They’re both Arch-based, which is not something I’d recommend for a beginner, but the rolling release will ensure that you always have the latest software.

    I’ve found some more workarounds for a similar scrolling-related HID++ issue: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=216885#c52 (I know I used dash instead of underscore in the module names, it shouldn’t matter since they’re automatically converted)

    • jws_shadotakOP
      5 months ago

      Alright, I found a solution based on the last comment on that bug report!

      Scrolling applications in plasma task switcher with G903 Lightspeed (wireless mode) is so fast that is unusable, but sudo modprobe -r hid_logitech_hidpp fix this, are these bugs all related?

      Using that command turned every tiny scroll input into a full scroll. Pairing that with Solaar, disabling smooth scrolling, now everything works correctly!

    • jws_shadotakOP
      5 months ago

      If you decide to ditch Bazzite

      Forgot to mention, I switched to Nobara. I had some difficulties with your recommended to remove the hidpp module file altogether and saw the frustrations that I’d have with an immutable distro. So far, Nobara has been super smooth.