It all started with the unofficial godot discord admin dealing with some chuds and people turning their ire towards the Godot Foundation staff instead.

Since Godot has stubbornly remained on the Xitter nazi bar as a valid space for PR and social media interaction and dared to promote the Wokot hashtag and reiterate their progessiveness, the reactionaries infesting that space are now piling on their socials and harassing everyone they can get their eyes on.


Anyway, solidarity with the targets of harassment. I hope they finally realize that Xitter is a lost cause.

Update: Godot is being review-bombed

Fortunately the reactionary backlash seems to be having the opposite effect

    4 hours ago

    Sometimes people have different definitions of the same word.

    Except you’re dealing with the character limit of twitter. It’s not really a platform for complex discussions and greatly favors simpler, more extreme views. If you’re spending the limited character limit and attention span of your audience on dictionary definitions, you’re doing it wrong. It’s better to be simple, but precise and not to get bogged down in the lexicon.