My current hardware MFA key is no longer receiving security patches, so I’m in the market for a new one.

Here’s a list of features I’d like my new hardware MFA key to have, in order of priority:

  1. USB-A
  2. NFC
  3. USB-C
  4. Biometric
  5. Bluetooth

My current MFA key has features 1-3 and 5. Is there a Holy Grail MFA key somewhere out there with all 5 features?

I’m already pretty familiar with YubiCo’s product lineup, and while I love their security rating and build quality, none of them have more than 2 of the features listed above, so that kinda bums me out.

Anyway, let’s hear your hardware MFA key recommendations!

#MFA #2FA #fido #fido2 #fido3 #NFC #USB #USBc #USBa #Biometric #Fingerprint #YubiCo #YubiKey #Bluetooth #CyberSecurity #InfoSec

  • conciselyverbose
    5 months ago

    Different devices? Dongles are annoying for something you always need. I love the flash drives I have that do both.