Wikipedia has a new initiative called WikiProject AI Cleanup. It is a task force of volunteers currently combing through Wikipedia articles, editing or removing false information that appears to have been posted by people using generative AI.

  • notceps [he/him]
    3 hours ago

    Wikipedia has some good pages and some horrifically bad pages, we all know the one where some american teen made all the scots pages even though he literally didn’t speak a word of scots but there’s tons of other pages that are questionable at best and wrong at worst. The main contributors after decades are still like 80% men and most of them are in a STEM field which again shows in pages that go outside of that narrow niche. I at one point edited some wiki pages myself and you’ll literally have some guy do a fucking edit war because he thinks Somatotypes are real and you have to fight for months because you don’t have the clout of a math nerd.

    And this isn’t even looking at the serious Nazi problem wiki has.

    Wikipedia had decades to get their act together, they didn’t I doubt they will anytime in the future because of how their whole shitty system works.

    Edit: To double down their reviewers are also shitty STEMlords who often have no qualifications but think they do, again look at any philosophy page which is just laughable. Everyone is always walking around on eggshells when it comes to how shitty some sections of wikipedia are which has resulted in festering puss filled wounds that glorify nazis and since it’s on wikipedia well then it has some credibility to it.