I have a full shelf at this point that’s brimming, end to end, with books by ex- and current officials calling trump an actual fascist who is a danger to the country – The Divider, Why We Did It, Unthinkable, Betrayal, I Alone Can Fix It, Frankly We Did Win This Election, etc.
None of the millions of words in those books have moved the needle much. This is good to hear, but nothing other than voter turnout will help.
wish they’d gone public with all those crimes and travesties WHILE HE WAS IN OFFICE, writing mean books about it afterward seems to be doing FUCKALL to stop his return to power.
I have a full shelf at this point that’s brimming, end to end, with books by ex- and current officials calling trump an actual fascist who is a danger to the country – The Divider, Why We Did It, Unthinkable, Betrayal, I Alone Can Fix It, Frankly We Did Win This Election, etc.

None of the millions of words in those books have moved the needle much. This is good to hear, but nothing other than voter turnout will help.
VOTE, and bring friends. Do it now, if you can.
How are you liking the infrared heater?
It’s actually an infrared light because I keep my room dark and my VR headset doesn’t like that. It works pretty well. :)
heh, sitting a few feet from a lighthouse unit. what hmd are you using that needs the light boost? quest 3?
Quest 2.
wish they’d gone public with all those crimes and travesties WHILE HE WAS IN OFFICE, writing mean books about it afterward seems to be doing FUCKALL to stop his return to power.