Heard of the burden of proof? Lead by example and Google it first
Besides, providing sources isn’t just to support your ideas, but for people to evaluate the quality of your info and gauge your integrity. 101 stuff, but go on lecturing about the scientific process while practicing none of it yourself.
So… You have no counterargument, no source for your 2015 claim, and nothing of value to contribute? Carry on.
You’re one of the biggest failures of democracy: democracy assumes people discuss in good faith. Meanwhile, you use decades-old data to provide misinformation while pretending to be informed and follow it up with uncited claims… Because, reasons?
Help me?? lmao Dude, that’s your fucking homework. It’s late and half-assed so I’ll give you a C. Nice try throwing around a 100+ page PDFs around like that means anything. You give a quote with a page number, Mr Scientific Method dude.
Now go forth practicing what you learned today instead of being a giant hypocrite, little grasshopper.
Have you never learned about primary sources? No competent scientific reference format asks for pages except for books (of which these aren’t) and papers within conference proceedings (of which these also aren’t).
Heard of Google?
Heard of the burden of proof? Lead by example and Google it first
Besides, providing sources isn’t just to support your ideas, but for people to evaluate the quality of your info and gauge your integrity. 101 stuff, but go on lecturing about the scientific process while practicing none of it yourself.
So… You have no counterargument, no source for your 2015 claim, and nothing of value to contribute? Carry on.
You’re one of the biggest failures of democracy: democracy assumes people discuss in good faith. Meanwhile, you use decades-old data to provide misinformation while pretending to be informed and follow it up with uncited claims… Because, reasons?
Here, I’ll help you Google:
[GDP per capita] https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/china/gdp-per-capita
[Poverty rates] https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/37727/9781464818776.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y
[Link between poverty and homelessness] https://pure.hw.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/7467281/Homelessness_Poverty_FullReport.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiE9fGM8NeAAxXcgv0HHdvWArIQFnoECBgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1BQARSj9oJ_XIjT4rz1cu_
Where do you think I live?? xDDD
Help me?? lmao Dude, that’s your fucking homework. It’s late and half-assed so I’ll give you a C. Nice try throwing around a 100+ page PDFs around like that means anything. You give a quote with a page number, Mr Scientific Method dude.
Now go forth practicing what you learned today instead of being a giant hypocrite, little grasshopper.
Have you never learned about primary sources? No competent scientific reference format asks for pages except for books (of which these aren’t) and papers within conference proceedings (of which these also aren’t).
Still waiting for my 2015 source…