The perfect way to mourn your mundane life.

  • sugar_in_your_tea
    6 hours ago

    Believe it or not, kids bring joy to an otherwise bland life. As for the kids’ future, you can do a lot with a little, just spending what little time you have at the end of the day w/ your kids can help them surpass where you were able to get to.

    Source: all of my siblings have better jobs than my parents did, and that’s because they prioritized education and spending time w/ us.

      5 hours ago

      Bland life without kids? Absolutely not. I do everything i love with the person i love the whole day. We travel a lot, whenever we desire to. Sometimes just a spontaneous trip to who-the-fuck-cares for however long we want. Do that with kids. No thanks. We don’t even want the responsibility of a pet. Just costs time and money we rather spend on ourselves. Having to wrap my life all around one single tiny human…ohgod no. THAT i would call a bland life. Maybe even while working some job? I wouldn’t find the time for that now, let alone when i would be forced to work too.

      Glad it turned out well for you, but in tendency kids of poorer upbringing remain poor or at least have it way harder. But that’s not the point. It was just about my lack of willingness to be slave to a tiny human for at least 18yrs of MY life.

      PS: don’t get me wrong. If you have to have a child for whatever reason, the love and care surely outweighs its monetary safety. Though, depending on where one lives, said lacking monetary safety can become a sad regret in a worst case. I, totally personally, wouldn’t gamble on that.

      • sugar_in_your_tea
        4 hours ago

        Bland life without kids?

        I didn’t say not having kids makes life bland, I said if your life is bland, having kids can help. It can also make it worse, so you need to figure out for yourself if having kids would bring fulfillment.

          2 hours ago

          Oh. Oops. But i dunno. Is “my life is bland, let’s have a kid to maybe rock it up” really a good reason to procreate? Or more in the sense like “at least i would have a purpose in life”?