I’m slowly but surely transitioning from driving to cycling to the point I’m going to have to change jobs to stop driving all together. While this surely has many health and environmental benefits, I was wondering about the financial benefits. Those of you who have already made the transition, how much have you save by not driving?

  • Grass
    2 days ago

    I went from 78-90 bucks of gas a week 2-3 hour per day work commute, 2600 annual insurance, anywhere from 1200-5000 annual mechanic work from parent’s friend that totally ripped himself off, to like 60 bucks gas every 4-5 months and the 600 or so it costs for my parents to have my name on their insurance so I can borrow the car once in a while when bike just isn’t feasible. oh and bcaa I kept because they will pick you up if you are biking too, associate member on parents account to cheap out a little.

      • Grass
        21 hours ago

        Don’t buy vehicles with milti generational transmission problems