The FBI sleeps when libraries burn

  • 0x4E4F
    1 day ago

    Rotating the keys was my first thought as well, I just thought they were busy with something else and couldn’t get this done at the time. Though, yes, I would make it my no.1 priority as well and drop everything else. But I guess they learned their lesson now. When you’re that well known, you’re a huge target and you’ve also managed to piss off some of the world’s largest corps… you better make security your no.1 priority.

    Script kiddies act like that only when bragging online. Put them in a real world scenario and most of them don’t know what to do and just bail. The might get into the system, but then realize what they’ve done and start unplugging things from outlets. And script kiddies just brag around and leave notes like “you’ve been hacked loozer”, or something similar. This is a well thought of response, this has nothing to do with bragging or a challenge, this was intentional.