Hello! Im searching for laptop in 1000-1500 Euro price range. Main requirement: CPU should be as fast as possible. I dont care about performance of individual cores, I need it to be fast from multicore perspective. Also optionally it should be compact, like macbooks.

Please share your recommendations. Thank you!

  • Atemu@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    If you want fast nix evals and docker builds, you absolutely do care about per-core performance.

    I have little experience with Rust but, while I do know that it parallelises quite well, I also believe that there are still many single-threaded operations on the critical path though such as linking.

    I think for your purposes, you’ll do well with any 8-core AMD Zen4 that can draw more than 45W or any 4+n core Zen5. The latter would be a bit more efficient but practically the same perf in code compilation.

    Intel is not competitive currently and ARM is still not quite there yet.