A Marine at California’s Camp Pendleton has been charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl who was found in a base barracks, the military announced Friday.

  • atrielienz@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The only time I’ve had my car searched on any base was when there were reports of a missing child, and or some other security lockdown (unauthorized access). I was in the military for 12 years. And we need them “fucking off” on base for training, for shore duty rotation due to morale. For medical care. For upkeep of military equipment. To make sure the mail gets delivered. To organize and plan and figure the logistics of the war machine. They have jobs they go to everyday. They aren’t just fucking off. Also, keeping the “barbarians” on base is equivalent to prison. That’s what we do with prisoners. We restrict their movements. Those people, those soldiers work on base. It’s their job. And they are citizens. Are you really suggesting that we imprison them and don’t allow them to interact with anyone else (violating their rights) because they volunteered to join the military?

    Like. The girl was sold into sex slavery. The Marine is obviously in the wrong here for multiple reasons. I’m not defending him. Other people were definitely involved in how she got to base (knowingly or unknowingly) and they should be held to account. But what the fuck.