• z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml
    21 hours ago

    Yeah, I watched that video in full. If you want to see the particular exchange in question, skip to 35:09.

    There were some half way decent arguments made throughout this…thing, but when that trans man got up and basically used Shapiro’s own shitty tactics against him, and then refused to play nice or give Ben any room to quickly change the subject or resort to his usual whataboutisms, I started to cry.

    In just a few short minutes this man said what so many have wanted to say to Ben for so long. That Ben’s truly dangerous and hateful rhetoric has real and profoundly harmful consequences for the people he demonizes.

    Ben pretends he’s the most reasonable of the right wing grifters, and maybe he is, but honestly, that means less than shit. I’ve seen liberals and democrats (even in this very video), acquiesce to Ben on certain issues because he puts on this false air of being some kind of reasonable conservative who simply has fundamentally different views than democrats and leftists, but he’s not.

    Ben Shapiro is not reasonable, he is not cordial, he is not even a remotely decent debater. He’s just a different flavor of right wing extremism that is just as dangerous and deplorable as Matt Walsh, Steven Crowder, Jeremy Boring, and the rest of the Daily Wire scum. The only thing that truly differentiates him from the others is that he’s Jewish, which honestly must keep him up late at night when he has to wrestle with the fact that once the republican party splinters in the upcoming years, will likely turn on him in ways that are reminiscent of the third reich.

    This awesome trans man spit some raw truth over that shithead’s face. I wish I could shake his hand. I could have watched two hours of him tearing Ben apart. Fuck Ben Shapiro.

    • Sunshine @lemmy.caOP
      17 hours ago

      Ben pretends he’s the most reasonable of the right wing grifters, and maybe he is, but honestly, that means less than shit.

      The only thing that truly differentiates him from the others is that he’s Jewish

      As much as I detest his terrible positions at-least he admits that he is a hypocrite for not being vegan. Its rare to see republicans have self reflection like that.